Lower Heath CE Primary School Colourful Cross-Country Run to Support Charities hailed a success!

The sun was shining, the air was filled with laughter and a vibrant kaleidoscope of colours adorned the fields of Lower Heath CE Primary School and Nursery on the last day of the spring term when children, families and staff came together for an exhilarating cross-country colour run – an event that not only celebrated the arrival of spring but also raised funds for worthy causes.

Lower Heath School Colour Run

^ Ella-May, Hattie and Izzy – the brains behind the Super Fun Colour Run!

The event was aptly named the ‘Super Fun Colour Run’. Children donned white T-shirts, ready to be transformed into living canvases as they sprinted around the school grounds. The excitement was palpable as they eagerly awaited the starting signal. But this wasn’t just any fun run. The children had a mission: to raise funds for three important causes close to their hearts.

Every term, Lower Heath pupils are encouraged to organise ‘Courageous Advocacy’ projects to raise money, awareness or to speak out against injustice. This term, the children chose to raise money for Shropshire Mental Health Support, Cancer Research UK and school funds to support positive mental health. The children’s enthusiasm extended beyond charity. They also wanted to honour the Hindu festival of Holi, which symbolises the victory of good over evil and the arrival of spring. Traditionally, Holi is celebrated by throwing vibrant coloured powders at each other – a joyful expression of unity and renewal.

As families gathered on the sidelines, they cheered on the young runners. The air buzzed with excitement as clouds of coloured powder enveloped the children. Laughter echoed across the field as friends playfully smeared each other with hues of pink, blue and green. It was a sight to behold – a true celebration of life, community and shared purpose.

Lower Heath School Colour Run

^ Happy children crossing the balloon arch finish line!

When the last child crossed the finish line, exhausted but exhilarated, the sense of accomplishment was overwhelming. Not only had they completed the cross-country run, but they had also made an important difference. The Super Fun Colour Run had raised over £500 for the chosen charities – a testament to the generosity and determination of the Lower Heath community.

Headteacher, Ms Reynolds, beamed with pride, adding; “Our children have shown incredible spirit, their commitment to helping others and celebrating diversity is truly inspiring.”

The colours may have now washed away, but the memories of this brilliant day will remain etched in pupils’ minds forever.





Posted by marchesadmin on 9th April 2024, under Uncategorised

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