Athletics competition returning after 94 years at Lower Heath CE Primary School
In June 2023, Lower Heath CE Primary School will host the Lower Heath Villages Athletics Competition – previously known as Prees Village Schools’ Athletics. The competition was last organised in 1929, with Lower Heath beating Prees C of E Primary School to triumph. The 2023 shield will see 5 local schools – Lower Heath, Tilstock, Prees, Adderley and Longlands compete.
George Hounsell, Director of Sport, Health & Community at the Marches Academy Trust, which Lower Heath is part of, was the instigator. He said; “I visited Lower Heath recently and noticed the photograph and a shield on the wall. I went away and did some research and found out about the Prees Village Schools’ Athletics competition. The local area is steeped in history so I thought it would be a fantastic opportunity to bring the event to life again.”
History and sport are both important principles at Lower Heath CE Primary School so we are proud to be relaunching the event. Helen Reynolds, Headteacher said; “This is a wonderful opportunity for our local community to come together; it supports our family friendly ethos perfectly! We have families at Lower Heath who have attended our school for five generations! And part of our school building dates back to the 18th century, so history is embedded within our school. We also have some talented sports achievers with county level tennis players and athletes, and even a black belt at Tae Kwon Do!”
Lower Heath CE Primary School are trying to find any local residents who may remember the competition and would like to invite them to attend on the day. Do you recognise anyone in the picture?
The event will take place on Friday 23rd June. The local community are invited to contact the school office should they like to attend.

Posted by marchesadmin on 19th April 2023, under Uncategorised
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