Christian Distinctiveness in Geography

We believe that Geography is a subject that not only sparks children’s fascination and curiosity about God’s world and its people, but also embodies our Christian values of love, respect, and fellowship.

Children begin to develop a sense of belonging and identity as they are immersed in their learning about their local community. While also fostering empathy, encouraging children to reflect on their experiences and how it differs to others when studying contrasting areas.

Reflection is at the heart of Geography and children are encouraged to think about the feelings of people living in different places, the interconnectedness of all people and embracing diversity. We encourage them to show respect for the environment, for different cultures and traditions and for the unique characteristics of places.

Our Geography curriculum also enables children to explore global issues and consider their own impact on the world around them. We encourage our geographers to be curious about the world by asking questions, actively encouraging them to discuss and inspire them to take action, to make purposeful changes in their own lives and communities, guided by their understanding of the world and their Christian values. We encourage a sense of wonder by looking at the world’s human and physical features too.