Christian Distinctiveness in Religion and Worldviews Education
Our RWE teaches that religion and worldviews are personal and diverse. Our curriculum integrates our Christian Values of love, respect, faith and fellowship. Children are shown how different faiths demonstrate love for each other and God, giving them a sense of belonging. There will be variations in the way individuals interpret and practice their beliefs. Our curriculum reflects the fact that the religious traditions in Great Britain are in the main Christian, whilst taking account of the teaching and practices of the other principal religions represented in Great Britain. We aspire to reflect the changing nature of religion and worldviews and help children to respect and understand the views of others. Children are given opportunities to reflect on their own faith and worldviews and answer ‘Big Questions’ such as ‘How can we live together in harmony if we have different worldviews?’ We believe providing regular opportunities for pupils to consider these questions will help to prepare them for the challenges of living in fellowship in a world with increasing complex and diverse worldviews, being able to have balanced and informed dialogues about religion and worldviews.
Christian Distinctiveness in Religion and Worldviews Education