Wellbeing Support

There are lots of things we can all do to look after our mental health and wellbeing. We have gathered some information, website links and resources that we hope you will find helpful and supportive. Further down the page you will also find signposts to a number of other support services as well as contact details for getting in touch with school.

Wellbeing support services for children, young people and parents/carers:

Shropshire Council General Enquiries can signpost you to different types of support in our area 03456789000.

Shropshire Council Social Care First Point of Contact is for adults who require first time help, support or advice about social care 0345 678 9044 (Monday to Thursday, 8.45am to 5pm, and on Friday from 8.45am to 4pm). For emergency calls, you can still call the out of hours service on 0345 678 9040. First Point of Contact.

Beam are an emotional health and wellbeing drop-in service for young people under 25 years old who are registered with a GP in Shropshire, Telford or Wrekin. Their team of experienced wellbeing practitioners and volunteers will listen to whatever is troubling you; recommend strategies and techniques that aim to make life easier; give practical suggestions and advice and provide a listening ear if you have something you want to get off your chest. BEAM Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin.

Kooth offers free online mental health and wellbeing support to young people aged 11-25 years in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin via any internet accessible device. Kooth provides an opportunity to interact in a supportive way with other young people as well as receive support from a team of qualified counsellors. Kooth.

Kooth also provide wellbeing support package specifically for farming families across England & Wales, as part of a partnership with Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RABI). This information sheet provides further details.

Young Minds has information, tips and advice to help improve emotional health and wellbeing of children and young people in the UK. Whether you want to understand more about how you’re feeling and find ways to feel better, or you want to support someone who’s struggling, they can help. YoungMinds.

Samaritans whatever you’re going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. If you need someone to talk to they will listen without judgement or pressure. They are there 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Samaritans can be contacted on 116 123 for free. Samaritans.

STEM 4 provides support with mental health specifically for teenagers. They have lots of advice about anxiety, depression, self-harm, eating disorders and addiction. On their website you can also access a comprehensive library of free mental health resources. STEM4.

Childline offers advice about a wide range of issues. They provide a free, private and confidential service where you can talk about anything. They are available for you online, on the phone, anytime day or night – 0800 1111. Childline.

The Mix is the UK’s leading support service for young people. They are there to help you take on any challenge you’re facing – from mental health to money, from homelessness to finding a job, from break-ups to drugs. Talk to them via their online community, on social, through their free, confidential helpline or their counselling service. The Mix.

LGBTIQ+ Mental Health the charity Mind has lots of information about mental health support for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, queer or questioning (LGBTIQ+). Visit their website here to find out more.

Togetherall is a safe, online community where people support each other anonymously to improve mental health and wellbeing in a welcoming and safe environment. The platform promotes a sense of belonging and connection through community. Accessible anywhere, anytime, 24/7. Togetherall.

Wellbeing resources:

CAMHS Resources a collection of downloadable self-help guides relating to wellbeing. Some are aimed at adults but the ideas and suggestions in them can still be relevant for young people and parents. CAMHS

Mind as well as offering support, the Mind website outlines some practical steps you can implement to support your wellbeing during the coronavirus pandemic. Mind: Coronavirus and your wellbeing

NHS Every Mind Matters outlines practical steps you can take to look after your mental wellbeing. Mental wellbeing tips. Their website also has some advice and resources such as videos and quizzes on several topics including: Coronavirus, money worries, dealing with change, feeling lonely and going back to school amongst others.

Mental Health UK has a number of downloadable resources which includes conversation guides, plans and booklets. Mental Health UK.

The World Health Organization provides resources to help you keep mentally healthy. WHO.

Additional support services:

Autism West Midlands offers a specialist service, providing support for adults and children with autism. Their helpline welcomes calls from parents, autistic adults, carers and professionals who live in the West Midlands to discuss concerns they have about autism (before and after diagnosis). Callers will find experienced, understanding staff who offer a listening ear and who can provide information about autism and local support services. Autism West Midlands.

Parents Protect is an organisation that has developed an online child sexual abuse and exploitation awareness learning programme for parents/carers to help: Understand potential risks; recognise the signs of possible abuse; be aware of inappropriate behaviour in adults and to know where to go for help if you have concerns and would like to talk about them. Sexual abuse learning programme.

Shropshire Safeguarding Community Partnership children’s website designed to provide useful information and advice for professionals, parents and children. They coordinate and monitor how the services and professional staff work together to protect children from abuse or neglect. Safeguarding Shropshire.

County Lines are operating in Shropshire, someone being exploited by a County Lines gang may show some of the signs listed here. If you believe someone may be vulnerable to County Lines activity, please contact West Mercia Police using the report it section here. In an emergency, use 999.

Shropshire Council Bereavement Counselling offer free counselling if you live in Shropshire and are struggling with the loss of a friend or loved one. Further information – here.

Financial SupportShropshire Council’s Community Reassurance Team is there to help all residents across the county during the pandemic – please click here to find out more.

Shropshire Larder this resource is the most comprehensive directory of services for people living in Shropshire on a low budget. It has information on how to access a foodbank or community food project and how to eat well on a budget. It also covers how to get support with benefits, housing and debt. Shropshire Larder Shropshire Food Poverty Alliance

Find a local Foodbank – Food banks are grassroots, community organisations aimed at supporting people who cannot afford the essentials in life. Visit The Trussell Trust to find your nearest foodbank.

Carers Trust advice for young carers. A young carer is someone under 18 who helps look after someone in their family, or a friend, who is ill, disabled, has a mental health condition or misuses drugs or alcohol. Carers Trust helps young carers to cope with their caring role through specialised services delivered by Carers Trust Network Partners across the UK. Young Carer Support Services.

Independent Food Aid Network Advice and support is available if you are struggling to make ends meet. Visit the Worrying About Money online service here.

Shropshire Council Cost of Living Help Website containing information and advice about organisations that provide support to those seeking help. It also includes links for specific money worries, such as: Cost of transport; debt and borrowing; rent or mortgage help; help with energy bills; help with water rates; financial help for people with disabilities; help with pensions. Visit Shropshire Cost of Living here.

Shropshire Council Free School Meals Important advice about who may benefit from free school meals and how to apply. Free School Meals information available here.

Shropshire Family Information Service Free information, advice and support on all aspects of family life. Take a look at the Shropshire Family Information Service for 0-19 years here.

Lower Heath CE Primary School Wellbeing Contact:

If you have any concerns relating to wellbeing, please contact our school office – admin@low.mmat.co.uk who will be able to advise further.