Lower Heath CE Primary School Wins Coveted Visit to Chester Zoo
Press Release:
There was great excitement at Lower Heath CE Primary School this month as they were extremely fortunate to be chosen for a memorable visit to Chester Zoo. Schools from across the country were invited to apply for free tickets so the competition for the experience was fierce. Lower Heath were delighted to be one of the lucky few.
Headteacher, Mrs Reynolds shared her enthusiasm; “Children at Lower Heath have said to me that they feel they are part of one special family. I have spent many days with my own family at Chester Zoo and this felt just as special. To hear the children’s delight when they spotted another incredible creature was just magical!”

^ Lower Heath CE Primary School children getting up close to the lions!
The zoo trip became a unifying experience for families. Lots of parents joined the children on the outing both volunteering as helpers or opting to join the visit with their younger children allowing families to be together. The shared joy of discovery made it a special day for all.
One parent enthusiastically remarked; “Lower Heath whole school trips are brilliant! We also go to the pantomime together and the older children really look after the younger ones. It’s one of the many attributes of our lovely school.”
Lower Heath CE Primary School places great emphasis on enriching their curriculum with captivating experiences. Mr Holt-Williams, who teaches at the school, added; “These experiences of school are what engage children with their education and create special memories. We are situated in a beautiful part of rural Shropshire so we use our surroundings as much as we can to give children a love of learning.”
Prospective families curious about joining the Lower Heath CE Primary School community are invited to drop in for a look around. Simply ring 01948 840524 to arrange a visit or learn more on their website: https://lowerheath.co.uk/
Posted by marchesadmin on 21st February 2024, under Uncategorised
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